• Check-in to the Maternity Hospital

Check-in means "registration of a pregnant woman for delivery with a risk assessment and determination of labour management strategy".

Its goal is to assess how risky your pregnancy has been so far and how risky your future birth will be for you and your baby. The doctor (obstetrician) will consider this fact, and if it is a low-risk pregnancy (you are healthy, without chronic diseases or other risk factors), you will be sent back to the care of your local gynaecologist and scheduled for another check-up at the time of delivery.

If the doctor determines that your pregnancy is associated with the risk of possible complications (you are chronically ill or have any of the risk factors), you will remain under the care of our maternity hospital, where you will regularly attend prenatal consultations.

At what week of pregnancy does Check-In take place?

Check-in takes place between gestational age 36+0 and 37+6.

When to make an appointment for Check-In?

Make an appointment as early as the 32nd–34th week of pregnancy. When you are making the appointment, you do not need to have a doctor's note yet.

How to make an appointment?

You can make an appointment   ON-LINE 

by phone at +420 261 082 390 or in person at the reception desk of our department every weekday from 7AM to 3PM.

When and where?

Prenatal clinic, every weekday from 8:00AM to 12:00PM.
Outpatient gynaecology and obstetrics clinic, ground floor of the U. pavilion.

What should you take with you?

  • Pregnancy card & morning urine
  • Personal documents
  • A request from your gynaecologist
  • Blood test results (Blood type & antibodies, HIV, HBsAg, BWR)
  • Vaginal smear culture result
  • List of all medications used during pregnancy
  • Results of genetic screenings
  • "Questionnaire with history data" and "Questionnaire - child's name" (questionnaires can be downloaded from our website)
  • Other medical reports from specialized examinations (e.g. if you are receiving chronic treatment)

How does Check-in take place?

The first thing that awaits you when you arrive is to register at the reception desk. Here we will fill in the administrative data with you and we will also request the "Questionnaire - child's name", which serves as the basis for the civil registry and child's birth certificate.

Next, you will visit the prenatal clinic, where our midwives will take care of you and prepare everything necessary for your registration in our maternity hospital. The midwives will take a detailed medical history with you (please fill out the "Questionnaire with history data"). They will also check your morning urine and measure your blood pressure.

This is followed by a check-up with a doctor, who will perform an ultrasound examination of the foetus, discuss everything necessary with you and, if necessary, answer your questions about the birth.

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