- Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of child injuries in Trauma Centre of Thomayer hospital
- A comprehensive system of comprehensive rehabilitation families burdened by psychiatric disorder of one of its members
- Identification of traumatized children and stopping domestic violence
Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of child injuries in Trauma Centre of Thomayer hospital
Project registration number NF-CZ11-OV-1-022-2015, within the framework of the grant programme CZ11 “Initiatives in the Public Health Area”, activities of II Care of Children, financed by Norwegian funds.
>>> About The Project <<<
Link leads out of Thomayer hospital website.
Website administration: Jan Krpata (jan.krpata@ftn.cz; tel.: 737 224 783 or 261 083 875).
Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic acts as an intermediary of the CZ11 programme.
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic is a partner of the CZ11 programme.
The project is implemented by the Trauma Centre for Children and Teenagers of Thomayer Hospital, together with the “Kolečko” Endowment Fund.
Period of the project implementation: 01/2015 – 04/2017.
Purpose of the programme is to improve access to and quality of preventive medical care of children. The Norwegian funds have granted CZK 8.47 million for implementation of the programme. Development of primary and secondary care aims at reduction of consequences of injuries and resulting health problems of the children. As a part of the tertiary prevention, purchase of devices and new technologies will be implemented as well as education of specialist – traumatologists.
Thomayer Hospital together with the “Kolečko” Endowment Fund plan to extend the following project activities in the catchment area of the Thomayer Hospital Trauma Centre for Children and Teenagers within the period of next 16 months.
- Primary prevention of injuries
This activity is ensured in cooperation with the “Kolečko” Endowment Fund. Objective of the activity is to organize and implement specific educational events and programmes aiming at the most common causes of injuries. Approximately 2600 children aged 6-10 years, 600 parents of the children under 6 years will be involved in the programme, and a mobile Internet application will be accessible on www.ftn.cz/prevenceurazu. The application will be in the form of a game; they will be able to download it and use in mobile telephones. Imaginative visual adaptation will give the children some insight into the theme of prevention of child injuries. - Secondary prevention of injuries
Specialist of the Thomayer Hospital Trauma Centre for Children and Teenagers will be engaged in preparation and implementation of a cycle of educational activities aiming at optimization of the first treatment of injuries in the Trauma Centre catchment area. About 75 members of the medical personnel will be trained in 10 seminars. An e-learning course “Basic Care of Paediatric Fractures” will be prepared for the professional staff of medical facilities of the catchment area. It will be available on www.ftn.cz/prevenceurazu, and it will be used for education of the students of 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University. - Ensuring and implementation of tertiary prevention of injuries
The aim of the activity is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of children’s accidents and minimizing their impact on the social sphere. New medical equipment will be purchased, and to replace or supplement the existing obsoleted. Thanks to the new instruments the period of healing of the primary injuries will be shortened, and the risk of post-traumatic complications will decrease. The leading clinics in Norway will be transferred know-how to the team of specialists and improve their qualification. In August 2015 the project was expanded to include the prevention of bone traumas and injuries of the urinary tract. The new expansion project will take urological devices, surgical bone drills, beds, and other necessary equipment of 3,2 million CZK. This prevention focuses on pediatric patients with long-term functional disorders of the urinary tract due to a trauma. The aim is to create a workplace with super-specialized care.
The project outputs will be spread freely, and they will be maintained and developed even after the end of the Project. The “Kolečko” Endowment Fund is a long-term and time-proven partner of the Thomayer Hospital not only for this project.
Project Manager:
ing. Vivien Škanderová, vivien.skanderova@ftn.cz, 261 083 494