Laboratory of Immunology
The Laboratory of Immunology performs the following examinations:
Allergy testing (UNICAP system)
- IgE levels
- PHADIATOP screening + mixture of allergens
- ECP determination
- Specific IgE – 21 mixtures of allergens and 150 single allergens available – the allergens are listed in the request form, with other allergens to be added if requested by phone
- Determination of IgD and IgE in serum and IgA in saliva, immunocomplex levels
Rheumatology (antibodies ANA, ENA blot, dsDNA, a-CCP. Rheumatoid factors)
Thrombosis (anticardiolipin antibodies, β2 – glycoprotein antibodies)
Gastroenterology (antibodies against tissue transglutaminase, gliadin, endomysium, cow milk, gastric parietal cells, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondria, LKM)
Organ antibodies (antibodies to smooth muscle, muscle, hair follicles, islets of Langerhans, blood vessel)
Anti-infectious immunity
- Antibodies against EBV, CMV, VZV, HSV 1+2, HHV-6, Borrelia (ELISA or blotting), Toxoplasma gondii, Chlamydia trachomatis and Ch. pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, Rubeolla, Varicella, Mycoplasma
- Levels of antibodies against tetanus toxin
Cellular immunity
- Immunophenotyping (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, NK, HLA-DR) – in blood and brochoalveolar lavage
- HLA-B27
- E. coli-stimulated neutrophil granulocytes
- Phagocytic activity
The Laboratory of Immunology laboratory is accredited according to ISO 15189, registered in the National Registry of Clinical Laboratories and is involved in a system of external quality assessment and proficiency testing organized by SEKK (Czech authority, - Systém externí kontroly kvality in Czech).
Head of the Department
RNDr. Markéta Ibrahimová, PhD.
+420 261 083 147
Head Laboratory Technician:
Romana Auředníková
+420 261 083 531
Contact for
English-speaking guests
RNDr. Milan Paulík, CSc.
+420 261 083 604
building G2